24 februari 2010

små ändringar...

från och med nu är det tänkt att jag skall börja blogga på engelska så att min kära kan följa vad jag gör här hemma. jag reserverar mig för vissa grammatik- och stavfel! =)

I don´t know if everybody know this yet but I´m planning on moving to the UK. Elsa has gotten her rabies shot so now it´s just a very long wait till I get to come in to the UK. Acording to the swedish rules i have to wait 120 days before i get to take a bloodsample to see weather the shot has had an effect... then wait another 6 months. This is a pain in the ass coz I was hoping to move in september not in december. trying hard to get in touch with the english "jordbruksverket" DEFRA, to ask them a few question how to go about it but i can´t get through. The hundreds of different websites that I´ve gone through have different info so i have no idea what´s the right way is! Grrr

At least i have talked to Akassan bout me leaving and what to do if i deside to come back to sweden. u can´t believe how much there is to do. But I´m trying to do one thing at a time! Wish me good luck.... =)